

Lugedes meie lugemikku saadki targemaks!



Kogemata Eestis

Lugemik B1 tasemel õppijale, kes tahaks teada, mida Ana läbi elas, kui üsna koogemata kombel aastaks ajaks Eestisse elama kolis. 

Toode number 2

Mingi edasiarendus

Toode number 3

Aina vingemaks läheb.

“Even though there were some new words to me in the text, it was still easy to follow the story and understand the meaning of some of these new words from the context. I like how a lot of A2-B1 vocabulary is so naturally integrated in the text”



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Soovid meiega midagi arutada, meilt midagi täpsustavat küsida?